Dejo aquí mi ensayo del curso de literatura que estoy tomando y los comentarios de mis queridos compañeros que me llenan de orgullo. La lectura fue Luz de Agosto de Willia Faulkner, historia altamente recomendable. I'm a 45 years old. I was born in 1967 and all my life I has been free. I'm free to decide what to do, I'm free to study whatever I want, I'm free to be maried or separate or single. I'm free to educate my son alone or with somebody. When I begin to read "Light in August", I was expecting a story of the discrimination of the color people in the US, but I confese, I don't know this kind of topic. But I know about discrimination not because the color o my skind, or the social class I born, or because I don't have a good intelectual education. I have live the discrimination to be a woman. Even in this century, there are women who are hit just because they are women. In the story there is the big part of racism when the man is blac...
Mis historias de todo y de nada